Achieve Hormonal Balance: Personalized Health & Wellness Programs

Our Services

We Provide Top Quality Healthcare

Male BHRT Program

Our BHRT programs promote balance at every life stage for men.

Female BHRT Program

Our female BHRT programs are designed to restore balance during each stage of life: perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause.

Wellness Program

BHRT programs will address the symptoms associated with low testosterone as well as other hormonal imbalances common in men, including fatigue, irritability, insomnia and depression ect

Sexual Health Program

We provide comprehensive testosterone therapy services in search of feeling their best. We use a customized approach to develop a solution tailored to each individual’s unique needs.


Anti-aging services aim to prevent or reverse signs of aging and include hormone therapy, and BHRT therapy to promote hair growth and improve skin quality.

Weight Loss Program

Our personalized approach blends science and nature for an individualized bio-identical hormone therapy program that can help get you on the right path to achieving your weight loss goals.

Body Balance BHRT

Our experienced team of healthcare professionals offer customized programs.

Body Balance

Natalia Kogan APRN, DC.

Specializing for over 25 years of holistically integrating complementary, natural and alternative medicine to improve overall health and overcome disease.

It is my belief that conventional medicine fails too many people. Many people suffer with unexplained symptoms that may or may not have been explained by conventional medicine. Most people are frustrated by the lack of answers. They want to have energy and feel well to live life fully. They worry that they will never feel better and they make mistakes by trying quick fix supplements or fab diets.

Patient Testimonials